I’m an avid gamer, and I still dable in my first MMO experience ever: EverQuest. I’ve had the fortune of attending SOE Live and participating (and winning, alongside my guild mates) in their EQ tournaments a few times.

SOE Recently did a Podcast celebrating EQ’s 14th anniversary. Around the 30 minute mark they start going in to player memories from a Reddit thread they had started. I had commented on the glorious feeling of your first Qeynos to Freeport run back in 2000 when it was still a difficult run to do. Their community manager Piestro, who I had talked to a few times at the events, was quick to chime in with tales of my guild’s championship when they came to my comment.

Thanks Piestro! I know Alsmack has been in the EQ community for a long time, but never guessed anyone would bother to remember him =)