alexsiegman.com, Aviation, GamingMon, 30 Jan 2017 00:00:00 -0600[Political] Personal Minimums<p>In aviation, we have a concept called &ldquo;Personal Minimums.&rdquo; These are very important, life or death even. The idea is that you have minimum requirements to make a safe go / no-go decision about a flight. If the various conditions surrounding a proposed flight don&rsquo;t meet your personal minimums as …</p>Alex SiegmanMon, 30 Jan 2017 00:00:00,2017-01-30:/2017/01/30-personal-minimums/minimumsNew Site Layout<p>Changed from using Wordpress to something a lot more simple and secure - <a href="">Pelican</a>. Pelican is a static site generator written in Python, similar to <a href="">Jekyll</a> and others. I found Pelican a bit more confusing to learn than I did Jekyll, which I used to <a href="">prototype</a> a <a href="">flying club website</a>. However …</p>Alex SiegmanFri, 27 Jan 2017 00:00:00,2017-01-27:/2017/01/27-new-site-layout/pythonBlast from the Past – Private Pilot Checkride Debrief<p>I was cleaning up some old documents I had laying around, and found my personal debrief of my Private Pilot Checkride. I wrote this right after I finished my drive home from the checkride, a few years ago on 4/27/2012. Hopefully, my notes and thoughts will help others …</p>Alex SiegmanTue, 07 Apr 2015 00:00:00,2015-04-07:/2015/04/07-ppl-checkride-debrief/pplcheckrideUsing SSH in scripting and understanding it’s exit code<p>As a Linux Systems Administrator I do quite a bit of scripting, and oftentimes I’m doing much of this in bash especially when using Jenkins or Hudson to give a nice interface and accessibility to build and deployment for the shop I’m working with. Often times, you want …</p>Alex SiegmanWed, 27 Mar 2013 00:00:00,2013-03-27:/2013/03/27-ssh-scripting/bashsshlinuxMy alter ego is “famous.”<p>I’m an avid gamer, and I still dable in my first <span class="caps">MMO</span> experience ever: EverQuest. I’ve had the fortune of attending <span class="caps">SOE</span> Live and participating (and winning, alongside my guild mates) in their <span class="caps">EQ</span> tournaments a few&nbsp;times.</p> <p><span class="caps">SOE</span> Recently did a <a href="">Podcast</a> celebrating <span class="caps">EQ</span>’s 14<sup>th …</sup></p>Alex SiegmanWed, 13 Mar 2013 00:00:00,2013-03-13:/2013/03/13-alter-ego/everquest